Thursday, May 14, 2009

Greening my summer

With more time to do things, I am thinking about household systems for being more green. Yesterday we bought a reel lawnmower. (Yes, it was manufactured elsewhere on the planet, since the salesman said it was ON A BOAT waiting for customs clearance, so there's that carbon cloud.)

Next up is setting up a way to compost vegetable waste from the kitchen. A relatively small amount of our trash (I'd say less than 10%) is non-animal kitchen waste. But we might as well get it out of the trash stream, especially in the nice weather when walking to the compost heap is no big deal.

CSAs in this part of the country apparently have waiting lists. And there are no farmers markets. I will be growing some vegetables as always, and have plans for an orchard, but that's a topic for a different day.

The 60-pound gorilla is of course making our house more airtight. That and making biodiesel in the garage. Ah, won't the neighbors be thrilled??


  1. Fret not about the shipping carbon. Sadly I don't think any are made in the USA these days. As for Farmers Markets... alas while you are not 100% correct in the availability... the quality is NOT what we hope for. It is more pretentious yuppie "fud" and crafty crap (how many candles do electricity users really need?)
    CSAs sound good... until you get you 3rd shipment of 18 pounds of rhubarb and NO TOMATOES (maybe next week?)
    I like your garden grown better anyway :-)

  2. Rhubarb rocks!! Dude.

    (PI is letting his subjectivity control his comments.)

    But seriously, PI: thanks for the gift of the loam screener - much appreciated! You are a craftsman as well as an insider.

  3. We did the CSA thing for a while - every week we received a box of local produce along with our regular groceries. But ultimately I gave it up: let's face it, local produce is a tough thing in the winter months in the Northeast - for example, my family is not so keen about kale anyway and we got so much of it that my then 4-year-old would try to hide the box when it arrived.


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