Sunday, October 18, 2009

weird, wild week

This last week was really full of weirdness and transitions.

1. There's the weather - it snowed on Friday driving to work, and again this evening. I don't remember snow EVER here on the coast in Massachusetts in October. I haven't finished harvesting my garden or planting perennials yet!!

The heat in the house is full-on now and we are battening down the hatches (storm windows, Mortite). I look at the pile of clean clothes to be folded and it seems weird that I was wearing tank tops and teeshirts within the last week.

2. File under retrograde: I was asked to help with vetting candidates for the position I left in 2002. Little has changed there, and it is SO WEIRD to be back in all the Drama. It reaffirms my sense that I did the right thing by leaving. I could almost double my salary going back there - but I am having so much more fun now. And summers off!

3. It is mid-semester, and the grading stack looms large. I have worked all weekend on two encyclopedia articles (done!) and a reconfiguration of 3 lectures into a single lecture, with a "jigsaw" assignment for students. We'll see tomorrow (unless it is a snow day!) how that goes. It's a fractious class; my expectations are fairly low. Since I am teaching no new preps (although I am always updating), it's my goal to incorporate much more student activity. 100 minutes is WAAAAY too long for a lecture.

1 comment:

  1. A complete non-sequiter: you mentioned on your old blog that a friend of yours named Chris Maus had passed away in 2006. I'm wondering if this was my friend Chris Maus, who I used to work with at GIS Inc. in the late 80s. He was married at the time to a woman named Marilyn. If this is the same guy, would you be so good as to contact me directly? Thanks, -jon parshall-


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