Thursday, May 28, 2009

world at a click

In some respects, I suppose I'm a luddite. I think Twitter is stupid; I think Facebook is a complete waste of time (unless you are a business trying to sell things to people) and I am irked when students feel they have to check in with their friends every 60 seconds or so (especially in my classes, but just generally, too). How many of these have you heard one side of?

Guy A: wassup.
Guy B: nuthin'. wassup with you?
Guy A: nuthin'. watcha doin'
Guy B: jus' got outta class.
Guy A: goin' to lunch?
Guy B: yeah, you?
Guy A: yeah. see ya over there.

These are the same two guys who have lunch every day together so, really, was this phone conversation necessary??

But I digress. I LOVE that when I am reading a monograph about Fascist architecture and I read about a building I have never heard of by an architect who is completely unknown to me, I just google-image it, and I get hundreds of photos of it. Now THAT is information!

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